This is the platform dedicated to present works form media artist Louis K Wang, the award-wining filmmaker and college professor. By showcasing selected works, this arena would like to help visitors to get a chance to reach the level of metaphysical experience and benefited for career and life.
The āiā means intelligence, and i+ means, with plus mark some extra to make life valuable. It is the general ideal here in this world of meta-modernity.
This is a collection of idea in digital form that could be a reference for further commercial production. As the culture world is gradually reshaped by the digital technology, something original may lost during the social reformation. Hope every can get inspired and regain energy when browsing through pages in this place.
LKW was born in Taipei and educated in NYC, with MA in Communication Art and PhD in creative economy, working as filmmaker and art educator in college for more than twenty years. Now is funder of iNGO Group, an entity for culture creatives to survival in economy system.
Welcome to know more and be an helper to keep humanity long life and forever.