Since there are so many streaming platforms, why contemporary people still want to go to theater for movies? Is it a sort of ritual to get entertained and inspired, or just an way to escape from daily hustles? Do you want to be an auteur to make a real movie aesthetically, that can be called […]
Read MoreThere is a frog named froggy who lives inside a rich well. He is a light-hearten being since tadpole period. Everything he needs to live are ready around. He is enjoying his daily life in this small vibe. His universe is totally fulfilled as well when he plays with the instrument. One day, an idea […]
Read MoreFrom the “Memoirs of a life well lived.” By Gopi Bhava Das, AKA Mark Chatburn I first drew the original six pictures almost thirty-years ago, in 1992, while living for a few weeks in Cadaquez in Spain, the artistic home of Salvador Dali, the famous Surrealist, where I slept rough in a cave on […]
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